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BGISD Results on the 2023 Kentucky Summative Assessments 


Students / Employee Positive for COVID-19:

  • Stay home for 5 days from onset of symptoms. The first day of symptoms is considered day zero.  If asymptomatic when testing, stay home 5 days from the testing date, with test day being day zero.

  • If fever remains, stay home until your fever resolves without fever reducing medication.

  • If no symptoms or symptoms resolve after 5 days AND you have not had fever within 24 hours, you may leave your house.

  • Continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.  

There are no face covering / mask requirements. 

Our district continues to partner with Graves Gilbert Clinic to provide health services to students and employees. GGC provides daily school health functions such as the delivery of medication, first-aid, triage, and access to a nurse practitioner. On-site laboratory screenings are available for flu, strep and COVID-19. Contact the School Health Clinic by calling 270-418-2714.