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Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) days encourage the continuation of learning on days when the district is closed due to health or safety reasons. Schools create plans to contact and deliver instruction to students, with the ultimate goal of continuing instruction when not present in school buildings. Districts may use up to ten NTI days per school year that are counted as student attendance days.

Prior to the 2019-2020 school year, the Bowling Green Independent School District did not utilize NTI days. However, with improvements to technology and communication systems during and following the COVID-19 pandemic, the district has continued to choose NTI days instead of traditional closures when needed.

The district announces NTI days via the SendIt Communication system, the district website, traditional and social media. With few exceptions, the decision to delay or close school is made by 5:45 a.m., before buses begin morning routes.

After an NTI day is announced, schools and teachers communicate with students and families about assignments and opportunities to continue learning throughout the day. Plans may include prepared packets or online learning. Assignments completed are considered attendance for the school day.