BGISD teachers and leaders work together to make sure all students have a high-quality elementary school experience. Using the Kentucky Academic Standards, teachers have determined consistent expectations for each grade level, and all elementary schools, grades K-5 communicate student progress with Standards Based Reporting.

Standards Based Reporting includes clear expectations, called Mastery Learning Targets, and informing students and families about what a child knows and is able to do. Behaviors and social skills, such as turning in and completing assignments, and effort are communicated separately. Although important for success in school and life, behaviors should not inflate or deflate a student's academic mastery level, or their understanding of grade level standards.

Bowling Green Junior High

Traditional Grading vs. Standards Based Reporting


Traditional Grading

Traditional grading scales are based on points and percentages: 0 - 100, and reporting with corresponding letters A, B, C, D, F

Earning grades in this system often includes a combination of achievement, behavior, and growth.

Traditional grading can be subjective based on factors such as completing assignments on time, effort, neatness, which are not consistent from teacher to teacher, across a grade level, or within a school.

Standards Based Reporting

Standards Based Reporting includes communicating progress toward mastery. Mastery is the term used when students have met the grade level standard.


  • Beginning (Beg)

  • Partial Mastery (PM)

  • Mastery (M)

  • Excels (E)

Standards Based Reporting is used to communicate learning; when a student can independently and consistently apply what they know and transfer the skill to new situations.

Standards Based Reporting provides more consistent grading practices across the district.

Learning is the focus.
Learning is individual.
Learning is not one-size-fits-all.
Learning is an active process.